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Project of high-intensity industrial water pollution traceability monitoring network construction

This project has started from the 22th of March 2022, and officially completed on 30 November 2022.The entire process was followed by the schedule specifications. As of the 30th of November 2022, the achievement rate was up to 100%. This plan screened 24 suspicious objects from metal surface treatment manufactories in the Dali River, conducts environmental surveys and records in contaminated area, and screened 2 of them to do the on-site inspection of chemical Contaminants, such as operating parameters, heavy metals, chemical oxygen demand, suspended solids, and cyanide. The main deficiencies in the verification results are the discrepancies between the declared content and the license verification, and the failure to record according to regulations, etc. In addition, 12 water quality sensors and 202 ion exchange resin time-lapse packs were deployed to trace the source of contaminants. The installation of five smart technology equipment and questionnaire survey was completed. The construction module functions include map display, reading value display, historical data and other query functions; numerical comparison, visual analysis and other analysis functions; storage and download Functions; remote adjustment of the transmitter and alarm pre-warning setting functions, etc. The press conference of smart management to protect the water environment was held on May, 31 2022. Two public meeting of smart management of wastewater treatment facilities was held on November 3, 2022. A total of 63 people attended the meeting.
Heavy metal, monitoring and analysis, early warning system